When your world has suddenly gone chaotic, you tend to hit survival mode pretty quickly. Your life becomes focused on just getting through the day. Beyond that, you don’t have the time or energy to care.
The best times for personal growth are when our world has turned upside down and we’re being stretched far beyond our comfort one. Amid chaos, our minds become busy, and we start thinking more. It’s a great time to take advantage of a mind made flexible by circumstances and learn something new.
Furthermore, the act of bettering yourself gives you a focus, something you can control right now, at this moment, helping you cope with the upheaval. It’s all about attitude and the idea that you can keep growing, even now.
How do you do that?
You Learn to Embrace Adversity
There’s no doubt chaos can make a mess of your life. But as you dig in and start looking for solutions, you’re going to discover something about yourself. Adversity brings out your best, forcing you out from complacency to find new solutions. With an open-minded attitude, you can even come to embrace adversity.
You Become More Adept at Challenges
A crisis demands creative solutions. After all, if the status quo had been working, you wouldn’t be where you are now. In the long run, what this means is you’re going to get better at brainstorming and seeing solutions where you hadn’t seen them before.
You Become Better at Seeing Opportunity
Once you look past the disaster itself, you’ll start seeing chances to shine. There’s a great deal of opportunity in upheaval if you can maintain an openness to trying new things, and adaptability when it comes to rolling with the punches. Developing this skill now means you won’t miss the next opportunity.
You Cultivate Positivity
How can you possibly make it through a crisis if all you’re doing is focusing on the negative? If you can strengthen your ability to find the positive and to keep an upbeat attitude even when things are going wrong, you’ll be able to stay positive no matter what life throws at you.
You Develop More Empathy
You can’t go through these kinds of tough times without learning something about how hard life can be. By leveraging this into empathy, you’ll gain more compassion for those around you.
Wow, this is a lot! Imagine the newer, stronger version of YOU developing even now. How exciting to think you’ll be coming out of this crisis more robust and better than ever before!