When, in your life, have you just jumped in with both feet not quite knowing what will happen next? It takes a whole lot of courage! That’s for sure!

How do I know? I just did it over the summer. After quite a while having a steady income (who doesn’t like that?!) and doing work I was good at but didn’t love, I made the courageous decision to become a solopreneur! Trust me, it wasn’t easy. But I know that helping people navigate major life transitions like getting married, or dying, or grieving was truly what I was called to do. I’ve officiated lots of weddings and funerals. Not only was I totally fulfilled after doing one, I was getting great feedback. So why not dedicate myself 100% to creating a life that is filled with passion, creativity, fulfillment, and joy? The time was NOW!

I took the plunge just about 4 months ago. It’s been a crazy whirlwind of finalizing a business plan, learning ins and outs of social media marketing, making those terrifying cold calls, and asking people to say some good things about me. I’ve pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone lots of times. I’m getting used to 60-70 hour work weeks while still trying to get enough sleep. I’ve had to realign my priorities, be hard on myself, learn how to ignore distractions, and every day – heck, sometimes several times a day – remind myself that it’s all worthwhile and that I can indeed succeed!

There’s a great book from my childhood called, “The Little Engine That Could” about a train engine that was given a ginormous load to carry. She didn’t think she could do it, but all the other cars and characters cheered her on. And by golly – she made it!!! So just like her, I’m going to keep saying, “I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.”

Next week learn how to use coaching to be courageous.



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